Thursday, November 7, 2019

Divergent family Essay Essays

Divergent family Essay Essays Divergent family Essay Essay Divergent family Essay Essay Family are the people who claim you when you dont know who you are and help you even if it means giving up their lives. For Tries, the main character in Divergent her family tree branches out far and wide, when she decides to switch factions and become part of the dauntless, the brave. Tries goes through many thing that push her to her limits and makes her wonder if she Just made the biggest mistake of her life by leaving her family, her own flesh and blood, for people who she has never even met. But soon Tries finds people who support her, claim her, and love her, Just Like her other family would. One of the people Tries finds Is Christina a fellow transfer. Christina Is from Candor meaning she calls anything and everything Like she sees. Trills and Christina are In a very similar situation and from that they bond, soon Christina and Trills become very close and count on each other for support through the dauntless Inhalation. On page 119 you see Christina looking out for Tries and helps her when she wakes up late for initiation. Christina and Tries lookout for each other just they would their blood siblings, and that is what makes them so much like a family. Another person Tries finds a family in is Four, her dauntless initiation trainer. Four is a little rough around the edges but Tries see through that. Soon they become romantically involved and Tries discovers some of Fours deepest secrets. The two help each other through issues they face and demons that haunt them. When Tries is pinned against Four in a simulation attack she realizes that she rather die they hurt him. Soon after they realize they love each other and become inseparable (page 485-486). As a couple Four and Tries protect each other like true family and that in itself makes them, a true family. Overall Tries develops a family tree that stretches far and wide from her small house in the Abnegation faction. During hard times Tries counts on her extended family to keeps her safe and sane. When Tries is feeling broken and scattered her family claims her and makes her remember her strength. Through good times and bad Tries has a family that goes way beyond her bloodlines.

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